Designed exclusively for U.S. Military Veterans by civilian and Veteran career experts.
A complete job search program with everything you need to apply and interview with confidence,
make yourself irresistible to employers, and land a great job in record time.
How does Job Search Master Class® for Veterans work?
- You’ll get your own private password to join the Job Search Master Class® for Veterans.
- All lessons are instantly available, 24/7, with video instruction and “homework” handouts for every lesson.
- Ask questions any time in our private community and we’ll answer quickly.
- Complete the interview role-plays as many times as you want. I’ll give you individual feedback, too!
Get 5 core modules, 20 lessons, over 35 checklists, cheat sheets, and templates.
A proven, step-by-step approach to ramp up your job search results and land a position that’s right for you.

I’ve spent 30 years serving as a corporate and small business hiring manager in startups, growth companies, and large corporations, plus 3 years developing, testing, and optimizing the most complete, easy-to-use system for job seekers. This course is the result.
A Complete Blueprint To Get Yourself Hired
Here’s how Job Search Master Class® for Veterans breaks down.
Click on each lesson to learn more.
And to make sure you really do feel supported and guided every step of the way, you’ll get lifetime access to the Job Search Master Class® for Veterans.
You’ll also get access to:
What would it be worth to you if…
- Instead of waking up dreading your job search, you had an easy-to-implement job search plan and woke up motivated and ready to tackle your goals?
- You had your job search goals nailed, and knew exactly what steps would take you there?
- You had a long list of hot leads and job opportunities, without trolling the internet for hours to find them?
- Rather than clicking from blog to blog for job search advice, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed, you could follow a single, step-by-step program and get results?
- You could hit the fast-forward button and get great applications, follow-up scripts, interview excellence, and job offers, in less time?
- You could beat your job search blues, and feel 100% confident that you’re taking the exact steps that will jump you to the front of the hiring queue?
- You were juggling multiple job offers for positions you actually want?
Enter the Job Search Master Class® for Veterans.
A step-by-step process to achieve your job search goals in less time
(without agonizing over job postings for months on end).
“Before Job Search Master Class® for Veterans, I was wasting time chasing various job postings with little response. After Job Search Master Class® for Veterans, with a laser focused job goal, my job applications were answered back. I was able to connect my military skills to the hiring team (and the robot!) by using the amazing templates for my resume, cover letter and so much more. This led to success in achieving the goal of securing then acing the in-person interview that eventually led to my new role.”
– B.J., U.S. Army transitioned to Data Analyst at a top company
Job Search Master Class® for Veterans is for professionals who are COMMITTED to their job search. If you’re only interested in collecting more information to put off doing the REAL work, this course is not for you.
And since my main goal is your success, I’m not afraid to dish out some tough Dana love when it comes to holding you accountable!
Got questions? Here’s what other job seekers are asking.
This program is certainly right for you. Just think of it as learning to play a new sport or a musical instrument; although it’s much more serious, of course. You will learn the fundamentals, the rationale as to why something is done a certain way, and you will be pushed to strive for excellence. More important, you’ll get all of the tools and training you need to be the winning candidate.
The entire course is waiting for you right now. You get to go at your own pace! And because all 5 modules, with over 20 training videos, are accessible the minute you log in to your member area, you don’t need to juggle live events.
I know you’re crazy busy. You may have a full-time job, family responsibilities, care giving for others, and much more. And the last thing I want to do is tack another project on your never-ending to-do list. But here’s the thing – you DO have time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day… but as a job seeker, your job is to maximize the return on every hour spent, and prioritize your activities accordingly. My goal isn’t to add another item to your list, but to show you how the Job Search Master Class™ will speed up your time-to-working, time-to-a-better-job, and more. With a new job waiting, you’ll find the time for this program – and shed those ineffective/less fun activities that are filling up your calendar.
Remember, the goal here is to have every hour you put into learning and implementing the Job Search™ reward you with job opportunities that lead to job offers. I know you’re committed, however time management is important. Here’s what to expect… You will get access to the entire training program from the minute you join. Roughly, there are about 20 hours of training included in the program, broken into bite-sized lessons that are easy to digest. If you want to get your pipeline of opportunities filled quickly, I suggest you spend 3-4 hours a week dedicated to the program. But no worries if that’s too much – you have lifetime access, so go at your own pace!
The strategies you’ll learn in the Job Search Master Class™ are the same ones thousands have used to successfully land their next career moves. This program has helped job searchers of all kinds, from newbie college graduates to mature clients who thought they were “pros” at job search. So while the course DOES assume that this is your first time out, the tips, tricks, tools, and training included will help you avoid plateaus, unlearn obsolete strategies, and arm yourself with a system that is uniquely designed to deliver today’s (and tomorrow’s) successful job search. So many of my clients have said to me, “I have never had to look for a job – I’ve been tapped for each new position.” Others said, “I think I know what to do, but it’s been a while.”
The Job Search Master Class™ is function- and industry-agnostic. Whether your career goals include for-profits, non-profits, startups, or global corporations, or highly specialized, salaried, or hourly positions, this process will work for you. The role of a hiring manager is the same everywhere: identify and hire the best candidate. I designed this process from the perspective of a seasoned hiring manager, to deliver the insights and tools to “win” the job you want.
Bravo for making the decision to change your career aspirations or job status. Your critical question now should be, “How am I going to make myself relevant to a hiring manager since I don’t have a “typical” résumé and I’m competing against other candidates who have different skills?” The Job Search Master Class™ will both teach you how to present yourself as the best candidate for the jobs you will be applying to, and give you the tools and templates you need. Blindly submitting your résumé is not the path to success; this course gives you the map.
I wish I could! I know this process works; I’ve seen it. However, there are so many variables under YOUR control that can affect your likelihood of success. How many hours will you dedicate to your job search? How well are you going to track and follow up on every job opportunity? How many interview role-plays will you do and will you work on correcting some patterns that might be hurting you? The list goes on. Take up the challenge; treat your job search as “Job One” and you can succeed. We’ll celebrate your success and I’ll feature you as a “poster child” – a speedy and successful job seeker – on our members-only Facebook Group.
“Is Job Search Master Class® for Veterans right for me?”
If you can put a big ol’ green checkmark next to any of these boxes, there’s a huge transformation waiting for you on the other side of this training.
- I’m determined to find the right job, and I’m willing to do what it takes to get hired. (Maybe you haven’t started looking, or maybe you’ve been at it a while with no success.)
- I’ve never searched for a job before—the jobs have always come to me. (Lucky you! But don’t worry, you’ll get all the hand-holding you need here.)
- The last time I looked for a job was ages ago. There’s so much new technology now, and I don’t know where to start.
- I get that “time is money” and I don’t want to waste time doing the wrong things. Every hour counts, so I need to make every application count, too. (Maybe you have a full time job or other commitments and you’re strapped for time.)
- I’m looking for tools, trackers, and templates to help “project manage” my job search AND capture the attention of hiring companies.
- I’m ready to take my job search to the next level—no, to the highest level! I’m committed to learning and I want to make the absolute most of this opportunity.
If you can relate to any of the above…
It sounds like you’re serious about finding your best job yet.
Give yourself the best possible shot at achieving your career goals with the most COMPLETE job search course available.
Get started RIGHT NOW with immediate access to
Job Search Master Class® for Veterans
Dana has a systematic, pragmatic, and no-nonsense approach to job search. It is a journey that begins with discovering one’s passions and ends with finding a great fit in the right organization in the right role. – New job: Program Manager in a technology company
Dana ManciagliDana Manciagli has been a corporate executive for more than 30 years and has leveraged her employee hiring and management experience into that of author, blogger, keynote speaker, career coach, and global career expert. Her innovative Job Search Master Class® is the world’s leading online curriculum proven to deliver job search results fast. | ![]() |
We’ve got the “A” to your “Q”. Click the button below to contact me or a member of my team.
I can’t wait to watch you go after your dream job, network with amazing professionals and get the career-changing job search skills you need! – Dana Manciagli, your Job Search Master Class® instructor