Chantal Forssman

Notable awards

Welcome to Job Search Master Class® for Veterans Wells Fargo
Welcome to Job Search Master Class®, your complete step-by-step job search process to adopt new techniques and speed up your results. This Master Class combines everything I’ve learned as a hiring manager for over 30 years and coaching thousands on their career-move journeys. And now I will teach you the high level process and detailed EXECUTION steps. I can’t wait for you to jump in!
Video Length: 07:34
Available Downloads
DM Consult, LLC. (herein referred to as “Company”) agrees to provide Program, “Job Search Master Class®” (herein referred to as “Program) to you, the Client.
Client agrees to abide by all policies and procedures as outlined in this agreement as a condition of their participation in the Program. Company’s program is copyrighted and original materials that have been provided to Client are for Client’s individual use only and a single-user license. Client is not authorized to use any of Company’s intellectual property for Client’s business purposes. All intellectual property, including Company’s copyrighted program and/or course materials, shall remain the sole property of the Company. No license to sell or distribute Company’s materials is granted or implied.
The Company respects Client’s privacy and insists that Client respects the Company’s and Program Participants (herein referred to as “Participants”). Thus, consider this a mutual non-disclosure agreement.
Welcome to Job Search Master Class® for Persons with Disabilities
Welcome to Job Search Master Class® for Persons with Disabilities, your complete step-by-step job search process to adopt new techniques and speed up your results. This Master Class combines everything I’ve learned as a hiring manager for over 30 years and coaching thousands on their career-move journeys. And now I will teach you the high-level process and detailed EXECUTION steps. I can’t wait for you to jump in!
Video Length: 07:34
Handouts to Complete
Instruction Back-up
DM Consult, LLC. (herein referred to as “Company”) agrees to provide Program, “Job Search Master Class®” (herein referred to as “Program) to you, the Client.
Client agrees to abide by all policies and procedures as outlined in this agreement as a condition of their participation in the Program. Company’s program is copyrighted and original materials that have been provided to Client are for Client’s individual use only and a single-user license. Client is not authorized to use any of Company’s intellectual property for Client’s business purposes. All intellectual property, including Company’s copyrighted program and/or course materials, shall remain the sole property of the Company. No license to sell or distribute Company’s materials is granted or implied.
The Company respects Client’s privacy and insists that Client respects the Company’s and Program Participants (herein referred to as “Participants”). Thus, consider this a mutual non-disclosure agreement.

Welcome to Your Job/Career Fair Toolkit
Candidates, job, and career fairs can be a total waste of time…if you make them a total waste of time. They can also be your path to employment with a company that values what you bring to them as much as you value them. We believe you can learn so much and increase your odds of employment if you change your game when you attend job or career fairs. Whether the job/career fair is face-to-face or virtual, the heavy lifting resides squarely with you. Are you hungry and committed enough to prepare, show up, and follow up? If so, this Job/Career Toolkit is for you.
How to Use this Job/Career Fair Toolkit:
1. Play the video instruction. Feel free to download a copy of the presentation and the transcript found at the bottom of this toolkit.
2. Read and download all four tools. Use them as tools to complete each phase of job/career fair excellence.
3. Take these materials with you to each career/job fair. You can review the checklist and fill out your Job/Career Fair Tracker at each event.
4. Pay it forward. If you found this valuable, please send the following FREE ACCESS link to others. All information is rights protected, so they need to receive their materials through this link: Do not distribute the tools per the limited use policy below.
Video Length: 6:41
Limited Use Policy: You may make archival copies and customize this template (the “Software”) for your personal and noncommercial use only. This template or any document, including or derived from this template, may NOT be sold, distributed, published to an online gallery, or placed on a public server such as the internet without the express written permission of DM Consult, LLC, by contacting the company.
Copyright © 2020 DM Consult, LLC
DM Consult, LLC. (herein referred to as “Company”) agrees to provide Program, “Job Search Master Class®” (herein referred to as “Program) to you, the Client.
Client agrees to abide by all policies and procedures as outlined in this agreement as a condition of their participation in the Program. Company’s program is copyrighted and original materials that have been provided to Client are for Client’s individual use only and a single-user license. Client is not authorized to use any of Company’s intellectual property for Client’s business purposes. All intellectual property, including Company’s copyrighted program and/or course materials, shall remain the sole property of the Company. No license to sell or distribute Company’s materials is granted or implied.
The Company respects Client’s privacy and insists that Client respects the Company’s and Program Participants (herein referred to as “Participants”). Thus, consider this a mutual non-disclosure agreement.

Welcome to Job Search Master Class® for College Graduates
Welcome to Job Search Master Class® for College Graduates, your complete step-by-step job search process to adopt new techniques and speed up your results. This Master Class combines everything I’ve learned as a hiring manager for over 30 years and coaching thousands on their career-move journeys. And now I will teach you the high level process and detailed EXECUTION steps. I can’t wait for you to jump in!
Video Length: 07:34
DM Consult, LLC. (herein referred to as “Company”) agrees to provide Program, “Job Search Master Class®” (herein referred to as “Program) to you, the Client.
Client agrees to abide by all policies and procedures as outlined in this agreement as a condition of their participation in the Program. Company’s program is copyrighted and original materials that have been provided to Client are for Client’s individual use only and a single-user license. Client is not authorized to use any of Company’s intellectual property for Client’s business purposes. All intellectual property, including Company’s copyrighted program and/or course materials, shall remain the sole property of the Company. No license to sell or distribute Company’s materials is granted or implied.
The Company respects Client’s privacy and insists that Client respects the Company’s and Program Participants (herein referred to as “Participants”). Thus, consider this a mutual non-disclosure agreement.